Tuesday, April 19, 2011

so small

So small by poppy662
Sometimes do you feel really small, like you will never be able to do anything? That you will never be tall enough to see over the grass? Yeah well I feel like that a lot... I feel like I don't measure up and that I will never be able to do all that God has asked me to do... But I know that God works through small means... And I have to remind myself about this a lot. I love this scripture in the Book of Mormon:

 'And thus we see that by small means the Lord can bring about great things.'

So I guess it is okay to be small... Because that is how God will make BIG things happen. I've come to realize that is where faith comes in... Trust in God and in His ways. I think about this a lot as a missionary because I'm just one person and God called me out here to help bring people to Him. That is a huge work to do. But God works through the humble servants... and the unlearned... I guess that is why He calls 19 and 21 year olds. Well I know this work is true because I have seen a lot of miracles accomplished by small and simple means. Don't ever feel too small. Because in God's eyes you are Grand.

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