I feel like I got such a good attendance with my awkward post that it was probably time I wrote another one. I was thinking today, why did it get so many hits? And I realized who doesn't have an awkward moment in their life... Seriously all of us has have had one, at one time or another. So I decided to break down and tell you one of my awkward stories... ha ha you'll have to laugh with me and not at me please :) So I was walking home from class one day at the University that I attended. On that campus is a HUGE hill. You probably know where this is going... Well I was walking down it, midday, which meant the bulk of the students there were either coming out of class or going to class. So pretty much everyone was walking up or down the hill. For some reason I decided it would be faster to take the grass, instead of the stairs (BAD IDEA). So I was walking down with probably too much weight in my little back-pack... And one wrong step and there I go. It happened so fast I'm not exactly sure what happened all I know is that I had grass stains on my knees but landed on my rear. My books were out of my bag, strewn across the hill. I was so embarrassed I didn't even know what to do with myself... Which caused me to do something more embarrassing... I just pulled out my books and started to read!! In my shaken mind I thought that maybe, just maybe, I could make it appear that I meant to do that just so I could study. Yeah I know. Well after about three minutes of insanity I realized that I looked very dumb. So the embarrassment set in and I decided to call a good friend to maybe take away some of my embarrassment. Of course she didn't answer and I proceeded to leave a long message with all the details of the event. Which after led to a pretty hilarious recreation of the whole event... other story, for another day. So with my pride completely gone, I gathered my books and made my way down the remainder of the hill to my car. I sat in the car for a few minutes and just laughed and laughed. Well the reason I am telling you this story is because this is a good analogy to our lives.
Sometimes we have a lot on our plate or backpack, and think maybe this route will get me where I need to quicker... Which sometimes it does, but on this particular day it didn't. I ended getting myself in a very unfortunate predicament and then had to deal with an extra problem on top of my already crazy life. So moral of the story, follow the path prepared for us. The best one is the path of the Savior. That day I saw so many people taking it the stairs, but I chose to be different and look where it got me. I know that choosing to follow the Savior will ease our burdens and help us get where we need to.
"And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ.." (2 Nephi 31:21)
I remember this :) hahaha, love you!