I just wanted to write a little today about families... because we all have one. Whether or not we like them is a different story. But no matter who you are you have a family. You have a mom and a dad that created you. Why do you think that we are put into families? Maybe so that we have someone to care for us when we are born because we can't even communicate effectively let alone move... Or maybe we are put into families because that is how our Heavenly Father has set it up.
I know that we do have a Father in Heaven, and that we are His spirit children. He loves us, the way a perfect Father would love us. He wants to hear from us and has commanded that we pray often. He wants to speak to us, and we need to earnestly listen for the quite promptings of the Holy Spirit. He wants us to be more like Him. He created this beautiful world to live in and to have experiences that will give us knowledge and allow us to grow. We are put into families, because families are divinely appointed. We should do all we can to build the relationships with our family members. We should read our scriptures and pray with them. We should share our faith in Christ. Let your family know that they too can feel that love and peace in their lives. I know that Heavenly Father cares about our families. He provides a way for us to be with our families forever. He has created a plan for us, the Plan of Salvation, where we can know why we are here, where we came from, and where we are going. I love this scripture in the Book of Mormon that talks about the Love our Father in Heaven has for us and our families:
"And the great God has had mercy on us, and made these things known unto us that we might not perish; yeah and he has made these things known unto us beforehand, because he loveth our souls as well as he loveth our children; therefore in his mercy he doth visit us by his angels, that the plan of salvation might be made known unto us as well as unto future generations." -alma 24:14
Here is a silly clip about being a child of God, but adorable. ENJOY.
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