Why are trials so important in our lives? Sometimes I feel like they are so unimportant. Life would be so much better without them. Life would be simple right, we would never have to stretch, or feel, or lean on anyone, or take a chance, or make a mistake, or triumph. I am grateful for trials, I am grateful for the things that I learn through my trials. I am grateful for a God that gives us the opportunity to choose. Would if we were mindless people who always knew the right choice... and always made it? That would be no fun, and we would all be the same people. I love the story of Joseph in Egypt. He had so many trials, incredibly hard trials, like being sold by his brother. But look where he ended up in the house of the Pharaoh. In the end he even made it back to his father. I guess that is the same in our lives... We have trial after trial and we grow and become something great, and after this life we will make it back to our Father in Heaven. So presevere. Find joy in the journey. Love life.
What do you do to persevere?!
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