Thursday, July 14, 2011

Drivers Ed

Okay have any of you taken drivers ed?! I remember that time in my life distinctly... I was 15, scared out of my mind to get behind a wheel and actually go somewhere, and yet it was something you do when anticipating your sweet sixteen.  We had to get up very early and make it to the school by 6:00 in the morning, as to keep citizens of our town safe.  Then we would sleepily get into the car and be expected to drive safely around for a few hours.  My drivers ed teacher, Mr. Call, loved the country and so we would drive out of town into a world of fields and drive there forever. I loved it.... when I wasn't driving.  But then it became my turn to drive.  My heart was beating and my palms were sweaty but I had to do it.  I remember thinking... Why do I have to grow up? Why do I have to do this... Then I saw myself 10 years older and still asking my mom to drive me to work, and I realized that I needed to do it.  So I said a small prayer and moved to the drivers seat.  My first time driving, Mr. Call, asked me to drive us to the gas station so he could get a hot dog.  I was grateful we didn't have to drive too far but I was dying to drive into the country. I had a few bumps along the way including Mr. Call using the passenger side brake... But I made it through.  After that I had a few more hours with Mr. Call and the other fellow pre-sixteen year olds.  Each time I felt more confident in my driving and more scared of the first timers... Time came for the test and I was ready to take it.  I barely passed but I was allowed to drive. Now six years later I still am not a perfect driver but that is the least of the worries in my life. The task that seemed so scary and hard is now a normal part of life and I barely give it a second thought. 

Sometimes I think that we get so caught up in our circumstances that we don't leave room to see past it.  To realize that we have to pass through trials to grow.  I had to get up early and be courageous enough to do what was asked of me.  I had to drive through my fears and now quite a bit later that isn't a problem. And do you know who was there the whole time... God.  I felt confident praying to Him and asking him to give me strength and to keep my safe.  And He did. I love the scripture in 2 Nephi 4: 26 "...if the Lord in his condescension unto the children of men hath visited men in so much mercy, why should my heart weep and my soul linger in the valley of sorrow..." So let us be happy and enjoy the trials we are given.  Even if it is something as small drivers ed. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my do I remember drivers ed! I practiced with my dad in our ghetto plymouth voyager, which lacked the shocks it once had in it's prime. We too went out bright and early in the morning (actually, it was black outside) for the safety of the community. And, as you said, God was with me the whole way! I also think He was there comforting my dad as well... But I am so grateful that our loving Father in Heaven is there for us no matter what!
    How do you think each of us can better rely on the Lord for comfort and peace during our hard times?
