"...for this is my life and my light, my joy and my salvation and my redemption from everlasting wo. Yea, blessed is the name of my God." ALMA 26:36
Monday, June 6, 2011
a dime a dozen...or not
Some days I feel very ordinary. Have you ever felt like that? That you are just like everyone else, or you have a routine life, or maybe just nothing in your life is particularly exciting... I am like that everyday. But I've come to realize that I am no ordinary person. And neither are you! You are a child of God. You have qualities that were divinely given you from your Father in Heaven. One of my all time favorite things to do is to figure out what is that one that thing that makes a person extremely unique. It is quite fun, you should try it! Find out what makes that person so special. Sometimes I like to ask myself why is this person in my life at this time? What can I learn from them? Because I know that our Heavenly Father loves us and places people in our path when we need them. And in learning this I have come to learn that I too am unique. I too have things to do and peoples lives to bless. I just need to figure out how... and sometimes that is not easy. So I dare you to be you today. To be that person that no one else can replace. Don't blend into the world, but stick out. Show your divine qualities of kindness and chivelry, or maybe share some of your talents... no matter how uncool they may seem. Heavenly Father made you for a reason. Be today that person He wants you to be!!
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